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دانلود منابع انگلیسی

دانلود منابع انگلیسی

دانلود کتاب و نرم افزار های آموزشی زبان انگلیسی در سایت EnglishDL.ir

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - The Jeans

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

داستان انگلیسی

The Jeans

The year is 1853, and the palace is California. People are coming to California from many countries. They are looking for gold. They think that they are going to get rich. Levi Strauss is one of these people .He’s twenty-four years old, and he too want to get rich. He is from Germany. He has cloth from Germany to make tents for the gold miners

A man asks him: What are you going to do with that cloth?

Strauss answers: I’m going to make tents

The man says: I don’t need a tent, but I want a strong pair of pants. Look at my pants they’re full of holes

Levi makes a pair of pants from the strong cloth. The man is happy with the pants. They’re a big success. Soon everyone wants a pair of pants just like the man’s pair. Levi makes one more, ten more hundreds more thousands more. That’s the history of your jeans
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داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - Adrift

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - Adrift

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی


By: Adam Khan, Self-Help Stuff That Works
In 1982 Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank. He was out of the shipping lanes and floating in a life raft, alone. His supplies were few. His chances were small. Yet when three fishermen found him seventy-six days later (the longest anyone has survived a shipwreck on a life raft alone), he was alive -- much skinnier than he was when he started, but alive.

His account of how he survived is fascinating. His ingenuity -- how he managed to catch fish, how he fixed his solar still (evaporates sea water to make fresh) -- is very interesting.

But the thing that caught my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost, when there seemed no point in continuing the struggle, when he was suffering greatly, when his life raft was punctured and after more than a week struggling with his weak body to fix it, it was still leaking air and wearing him out to keep pumping it up. He was starved. He was desperately dehydrated. He was thoroughly exhausted. Giving up would have seemed the only sane option.

When people survive these kinds of circumstances, they do something with their minds that gives them the courage to keep going. Many people in similarly desperate circumstances give in or go mad. Something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the guts to carry on in spite of overwhelming odds.

"I tell myself I can handle it," wrote Callahan in his narrative. "Compared to what others have been through, I'm fortunate. I tell myself these things over and over, building up fortitude...."

I wrote that down after I read it. It struck me as something important. And I've told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed far off or when my problems seemed too overwhelming. And every time I've said it, I have always come back to my senses.

The truth is, our circumstances are only bad compared to something better. But others have been through much worse. I've read enough history to know you and I are lucky to be where we are, when we are, no matter how bad it seems to us compared to our fantasies. It's a sane thought and worth thinking.
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داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - واگن

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - واگن

A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagonload of corn in the road. The farmer who lived nearby came to see what had happened. " hey boy " , he called out, " forget your trouble for a moment and come on in and have dinner with us. Then i will help you get the wagon up."
" that is very nice of you", the boy answered , "But i don't think Pa would like me to do it."
"Oh, come on, son," the farmer insisted. "Well, okey," the boy finally agreed. "But pa won't like it." After a hearty dinner , the boy thanked his host. " I feel a lot better now , but i know pa is going to be upset."
" I don't think so," said the neighbour . " By the way, Where is your pa?"
" He is under the wagon."

 پسر روستایی واگن پر از ذرت خود را در جاده سرنگون کرد. کشاورزی که در آن نزدیکی زندگی می کرد ، آمده بود تا ببیند چه اتفاقی افتاده. او با صدای بلند گفت : آهای پسر ، ناراحتی هایت را فراموش کن و به خانه ما بیا و شام را با ما صرف کن. بعد من کمک می کنم که واگن را راست کنی.
پسر جواب داد: شما خیلی لطف دارید ، ولی فکر نمی کنم بابام بخواهد من این کار را بکنم.
کشاورز با اصرار گفت : آه بیا برویم پسرم.
بالاخره پسر موافقت کرد و گفت: بسیار خوب ، باشد ، ولی بابام دوست ندارد.
بعد از شام صمیمانه ، پسر از میزبانش تشکر کرد و گفت : حالا حالم خیلی بهتر شده ، اما می دانم بابام واقعا عصبانی خواهد شد.
همسایه گفت : من فکر نمی کنم ، راستی بابات کجاست؟
 او زیر واگن است

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - دوچرخه

دوچرخه  Bicycle

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی
A little girl came home happily "mom, I want to have a bicycle, would you mind buying me one?" asked her mother.
دختر کوچولو خوشحال اومد خونه و به مامانش گفت:"مامان من دوچرخه میخوام، میشه یکی برام بخری؟"

Mother broke deep inside, got sad but "sure dear;" said tenderly. "I will buy one for you and you can play with your friends."
مادر دلش شکست، ناراحت شد ولی با مهربونی گفت:"حتماً عزیزم. برات یکی میخرم تا بتونی با دوستات بازی کنی."
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