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Grammar in Use Intermediate Student's Book with Answers and CD-ROM
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Grammar in Use Intermediate Student's Book with Answers and CD-ROMSelf-study Reference and Practice for Students of North American English 3 editionRaymond Murphyزبان برنامه: انگلیسی
سال 2009
ویرایش سوم
تعداد صفحات کتاب: 380 صفحه
دانلود در 2 قسمت
دانلود پارت 1 با حجم 101 مگابایتدانلود پارت 2 با حجم 62 مگابایتGrammar in Use Intermediate is a highly successful grammar text known
for its clear, concise explanations and innovative format. Ideal for
students preparing for the TOEFL ® test or other standard examinations,
the new edition of this popular North American English grammar title
offers even more support, with a larger format to include more
explanation and practice, eight new units on phrasal verbs, and 10 pages
of Additional Exercises. This edition, with answers, can be used in the
classroom or for self-study. It includes a CD-ROM featuring additional
practice exercises, progress reports, interactive games, and a link to
the Cambridge Dictionaries Online. You can even create your own tests to
review the language learned.