دانلود کتاب An Introduction to Semiotics
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Signs: An Introduction to Semiotics Second Editionنویسنده:
Thomas Sebeokانتشارات:
University of Toronto Pressسال 2006
ویرایش دوم
زبان: انگلیسی
تعداد صفحات: 216 صفحه
نوع فایل: PDF
نرم افزار مورد نیاز برای اجرا در کامپیوتر:
دانلود با حجم 2 مگابایت
The interpretive science of semiotics offers powerful analytical tools
for the application of many disciplines to the study of perception.
Semiotics is the study of signs, and as such, is of relevance to a wide
spectrum of scholars and professionals, including social scientists,
psychologists, artists, graphic designers, and students of literature.
Semiosis - the production and interpretation of linguistic and visual
signs - is innate to human beings of all societies. From the simplest of
hand gestures to the most complex diagrams and charts, the sign is key
to the communication of ideas. Thomas A. Sebeok examines, in an
engaging, readable style, how the sign mediates between bodily
experience and abstract thought. This updated second edition
of Signs combines some of Sebeok's most important essays with a new
general introduction, introductory passages at the outset of each
chapter, a glossary, and brief biographies of the major semioticians.
From an overview of the discipline to a more detailed exploration of
sign categories, the author powerfully demonstrates the co-dependency of
verbal and non-verbal communication. Aimed primarily at undergraduate
and graduate students, this engaging book also has plenty to offer any
general reader who is interested in exploring and analyzing the complex
sign systems we so often take for granted.