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دانلود کتاب و نرم افزار های آموزشی زبان انگلیسی در سایت EnglishDL.ir

مکالمه ای کاملا غیر رسمی در مدرسه

مکالمه ای کاملا غیر رسمی در مدرسه

Anne : You seem really ticked off. What ‘s up?

(Anne : You seem really angry. What ‘s the matter?)

به نظر خیلی عصبانی می آی موضوع چیه؟

Peggy : Just get out of my face, would you ?!

( Peggy : Just leave me alone, alright?!)

فقط از این جا برو( از جلوی چشم دور شو ) ، خوب؟

Anne : chill out ! What ‘s eating you?

 ( Anne : Relax! What ‘s the matter with you?)

آروم باش. موضوع چیه؟
Peggy : Sorry. It ‘s just  that I think I blew the final .

( Peggy : Sorry. It ‘s just  that I think I failed the final examination. (

متاسفم ،آخه امتحان پایان ترمموافتادم.

Anne : Well , now you ‘re really going to freak out when I tell you who aced it… what’s -her- face… the one who always kissed up to the teacher.

(Anne : Well , now you ‘re really going to be mad when I tell you who got 100% on it… I forgot her name… the one who always flatters the teacher.)

اگه بهت بگم کی نمره ی کامل گرفته کفری میشی.اسمش یادم نمییاد. همونی که همیشه پاچه خوارییه استاد ومیکنه

Peggy : Jennifer Davies? Give me a break! I can’t stand her. she is such a dweeb! How could she possibly ace  it when she keeps cutting class all the time?

(Peggy : Jennifer Davies? You ‘re kidding! I don’t like her! she is such a moron! How could she possibly get 100% on it when she ‘s absent from class all the time?)

جنیفر دیویس؟ شوخی میکنی! نمیتونم تحملش کنم. اون یه احمقه واقعییه. چطور ممکنه نمره ی کامل گرفته باشه وقتی همش غیبت میکنه؟

Anne : She ‘s the teacher ‘s pet, that ‘s why. Beside , She just really rubs me the wrong way. And you know what? I think she’ s got the hots for him ,too.

(Anne : She ‘s the teacher ‘ s favorite student, that ‘s why . Besides,There ‘s something about her I don’t like. And you know ? I think she really likes him , too.)

علتش اینکه اون سوگلی استاده بعلاوه، یه چیزدرباره ی اون هست که منو واقعا آزار میده . میدونی چیه؟ من فکر میکنم جنیفرهم واقعا استاد و دوست داره

Peggy: Get out of here!

(Peggy: You ‘ve got to be joking !)

گمشو بابا

Anne: I ‘m dead serious. Yesterday , before class starts , she walks up to Mr . Edward ‘s desk and goes, “Good morning, Jim”.

(Anne: I ‘m very serious. Yesterday , before class starts , she walks up to Mr . Edward ‘s desk and says , “Good morning, Jim”).


جدی میگم. دیروز قبل از این که کلاس شروع بشه جنیفر رفت طرف میز آقای ادوارد و گفت سلام جیم

Peggy: oh, gag me! She ‘s totally gross.

 Peggy: oh that makes me sick! She ‘s totally disgusting!)

اه ،حالمو بهم زد! چقدر نفرت انگیزه

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