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دانلود کتاب و نرم افزار های آموزشی زبان انگلیسی در سایت EnglishDL.ir

دانلود منابع انگلیسی

دانلود کتاب و نرم افزار های آموزشی زبان انگلیسی در سایت EnglishDL.ir

به سکوت آرام خانه کاغذی ات قسم

I swear by the quiet silence of your paper house, I know your dreams are as beautiful as my fancies believable. You've got the mystic believe of love from my silence. I've got the final point of belief from your silence. Maybe it's not possible to feel that the words we say about the paper world we've made are hearable. But we can start to paint the gray branches of the paper trees green. I know painting, you know painting too. So why don't you start? When I was a child, I didn't have any water color. I used to go to little garden near stream and cut all the color flowers and paint. If we search the paper garden near paper house for a short time, there have to be flowers to paint our believes the red color of love.

به سکوت آرام خانه کاغذی ات قسم که می دانم رویاهای تو به زیبایی خیالات من باورکردنی است. تو از سکوت من به باور عرفانی عشق رسیده ای. من از سکوت تو به نقطه نهایی ایمان رسیده ام. شاید نتوان درک کرد که گفته های ما از آن دنیای کاغذی که ساخته ایم، شنیدنی است. ولی می شود دست به کار شد و رنگ سبز به شاخه های خاکستری درختهای کاغذی کشید. من که نقاشی کردن می دانم. تو هم که نقاشی کردن می دانی. پس چرا دست به کار نمی شوی؟ وقتی بچه بودم، برایم آبرنگ نمی خریدند. می رفتم سراغ باغچه کنار رودخانه هر چه گلهای رنگی بود می چیدم و نقاشی می کردم. اگر کمی در باغ کاغذی کنار خانه کاغذی مان جستجو کنیم حتماً گلهای کاغذی دارد که رنگ قرمز عشق به باورهایمان بکشیم.

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - The Jeans

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

داستان انگلیسی

The Jeans

The year is 1853, and the palace is California. People are coming to California from many countries. They are looking for gold. They think that they are going to get rich. Levi Strauss is one of these people .He’s twenty-four years old, and he too want to get rich. He is from Germany. He has cloth from Germany to make tents for the gold miners

A man asks him: What are you going to do with that cloth?

Strauss answers: I’m going to make tents

The man says: I don’t need a tent, but I want a strong pair of pants. Look at my pants they’re full of holes

Levi makes a pair of pants from the strong cloth. The man is happy with the pants. They’re a big success. Soon everyone wants a pair of pants just like the man’s pair. Levi makes one more, ten more hundreds more thousands more. That’s the history of your jeans
  ادامه مطلب ...

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - The butterfly

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی -

The butterfly

A small crack appeared on a cocoon. A man sat for hours and watched carefully the struggle of the butterfly to get out of that small crack of cocoon.

Then the butterfly stopped striving. It seemed that she was exhausted and couldn’t go on trying. The man decided to help the poor creature. He widened the crack by scissors. The butterfly came out of cocoon easily, but her body was tiny and her wings were wrinkled. The ma continued watching the butterfly. He expected to see her wings become expanded to protect her body. But it didn’t happen! As a matter of fact, the butterfly had to crawl on the ground for the rest of her life, for she could never fly.

The kind man didn’t realize that God had arranged the limitation of cocoon and also the struggle for butterfly to get out of it, so that a certain fluid could be discharged from her body to enable her to fly afterward.

Sometimes struggling is the only thing we need to do. If God had provided us with an easy to live without any difficulties then we become paralyzed, couldn’t become strong and could not fly.


ادامه مطلب ...

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - Every year

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی - Every year

 کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

Every year

Joe Richards finished school when he was 18, and then his father said to him. 'You've passed your examinations now, Joe, and you got good marks in them. Now go and get some good work.They.re looking for the clever people at the bank in the town. The clerks there get quite a lot of money now.'

A few days later, Joe went to the bank and asked for work there.

A man took him into a small room and gave him some questions on a piece of paper. Joe wrote his answers on the paper, and then he gave them to the man.

The man looked at them for a few minutes, and then he took a pen and said to Joe, 'your birthday was on the 12th of June, Mr. Richards?'

'Yes, sir, 'Joe said.

'What year?' the man asked.
'Oh, every year, sir, 'Joe said.

هر سال

جو ریچارد تحصیلات خودش را در سن 18 سالگی به پایان رسانید. پدرش به او گفت:تو تحصیلاتت را با نمره ی خوبی به پایان رسانده ای.

حالا زمان آن است که برای خودت کار خوبی دست و پا کنی.بانک شهر به افراد باهوش نیازمند است.کارمندان بانک حقوق زیادی می گیرند.

چند روز بعد جو به بانک رفت و در مورد اشتغال به کار سوال کرد.

مردی او را به اتاق کوچکی برد و برگه ای به او داد که تعدادی سوال روی آن نوشته شده بود.جو پاسخ هایش را روی برگه نوشت و به مرد تحویل داد.

مرد چند دقیقه ای به برگه نگاه کرد،سپس خودکاری را دست گرفت و به جو گفت: (روز تولد تو 18 ژوئن است آقای ریچارد؟)


مرد پرسید: چه سالی؟

جو در پاسخ گفت:اوه! هر سال قربان

مکالمه ای کاملا غیر رسمی در مدرسه

مکالمه ای کاملا غیر رسمی در مدرسه

Anne : You seem really ticked off. What ‘s up?

(Anne : You seem really angry. What ‘s the matter?)

به نظر خیلی عصبانی می آی موضوع چیه؟

Peggy : Just get out of my face, would you ?!

( Peggy : Just leave me alone, alright?!)

فقط از این جا برو( از جلوی چشم دور شو ) ، خوب؟

Anne : chill out ! What ‘s eating you?

 ( Anne : Relax! What ‘s the matter with you?)

آروم باش. موضوع چیه؟
  ادامه مطلب ...

اصطلاحات مفید

اصطلاحات مفید  Useful  idioms

I can't believe my eyes

اصلا باورم نمیشد

Sorry to disturb you
ببخشید که مزاحمتان شدم

You got carried away again??
دوباره جو گیر شدی

Stay put
از جات تکون بخور

The way I see it
به نظر من...

To talk behind somebody's back

پشت سر کسی حرف زدن

( زمانی که کارت عروسی بین آشنایان پخش میشه)
لطف کنید خبر بدین که تشریف میارین یا نه

I'm RSVPing
منم میام

I get that alot
اینا خیلی ها بهم میگن