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دانلود منابع انگلیسی

دانلود کتاب و نرم افزار های آموزشی زبان انگلیسی در سایت EnglishDL.ir

وقتی شانس در خونه شما را میزند

When Opportunity knocks....
A man with a gun goes into a bank and demands their money. Once he is given the money, he turns to a customer and asks, 'Did you see me rob this bank?'

The man replied, 'Yes sir, I did.'

The robber then shot him in the temple, killing him instantly.

He then turned to a couple standing next to him and asked the man, 'Did you see me rob this bank?'

The man replied, 'No sir, I didn't, but my wife did!'

Moral - When Opportunity knocks.... MAKE USE OF IT!

وقتی شانس در خونه شما را میزند

مردی با اسلحه وارد یک بانک شد و تقاضای پول کرد. وقتی پول ها را دریافت کرد رو به یکی از مشتریان بانک کرد و پرسید : آیا شما دیدید که من از این بانک دزدی کنم؟

مرد پاسخ داد : بله قربان من دیدم.

.سپس دزد اسلحه را به سمت شقیقه مرد گرفت و او را در جا کشت

او مجددا رو به زوجی کرد که نزدیک او ایستاده بودند و از آن ها پرسید آیا شما دیدید که من از این بانک دزدی کنم؟

مرد پاسخ داد : نه قربان. من ندیدم اما همسرم دید.

نکته اخلاقی: وقتی شانس در خونه شما را میزند. از آن استفاده کنید!

عقاب ها در طوفان


Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks?

The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it.

The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm.

When the storms of life come upon us - and all of us will experience them - we can rise above them by setting our minds and our belief toward God. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow God's power to lift us above them.
God enables us to ride the winds of the storm that bring sickness, tragedy, failure and disappointment in our lives. We can soar above the storm.

Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them.

ادامه مطلب ...

داستان انگلیسی ناخدای هوشیار با ترجمه فارسی

The cautious captain

The cautious captain of a small ship had to go along a coast with which he was unfamiliar, so he tried to find a qualified pilot to guide him. He went ashore in one of the small ports where his ship stopped, and a local fisherman pretended that he was one because he needed some money. The captain took him on board and let him tell him where to steer the ship.

After half an hour the captain began to suspect that the fisherman did not really know what he was doing or where he was going so he said to him,' are you sure you are a qualified pilot?

'Oh, yes' answered the fisherman. 'I know every rock on this part of the coast.'

Suddenly there was a terrible tearing sound from under the ship.

At once the fisherman added," and that's one of them."

ادامه مطلب ...

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

Classification: Men, Office

Boss: “Yes? What is it now?”

Office worker: “Please can I have a day off next week to do some late Christmas shopping with my wife and our six kids?”

Boss: “Certainly not!”

Office worker: “I knew you’d be understanding, sir. Thanks for getting me out of that terrible chore.”

رئیس فهیم

رئیس: «بله؟ دوباره چه خواسته ای داری؟»

کارمند اداره: «لطفا آیا امکان دارد من هفته بعد یک روز مرخصی بگیرم تا همراه همسرم و شش فرزندمان به خرید آخر کریسمس بروم؟»

رئیس: «معلوم است که نه!»

کارمند اداره: «من می دانستم که شما خیلی فهیم هستید، جناب رئیس. متشکرم که مرا از یک کار طاقت فرسای وحشتناک نجات دادید.»

Campus Life

Campus Life

M: What can I do for you?

چه کمکی میتونم بهت بکنم؟
W: I really wanted to take Chemistry 221 with you, but the class is full.
من میخواستم درس شیمی ٢٢١ را با شما بردارم ولی ظرفیت کلاس تکمیل است.
M: Is it a required course for you?
آیا این درس برای شما جزء دروس اجباری است؟
W: Yes, it is. I’m majoring in chemistry.
بله. من رشته ام شیمی است.
M: I presume you have the prerequisites, then?
حدس میزنم شما دروس پیشنیاز داشته باشین، درسته؟
W: Prerequisites?
دروس پیش نیاز؟
M: Prerequisites are those courses that you need to have completed in order to enroll in any given class. The prerequisite for Chemistry221 is Chemistry 100.
دروس پیشنیاز دروسی هستن که باید قبل از شرکت در هر کلاس آنها را گذرانده باشید. درس پیشنیاز برای شیمی ٢٢١، درس شیمی ١٠٠ است.
W: Oh, yes of course.
بله البته.
M: In that case, you can enroll in the class.
در این صورت شما میتوانید این درس را اخذ کنید.
W: But the class is full. Don’t I have to put my name on a waiting list or anything?
ولی ظرفیت کلاس تکمیل است. آیا لازمه که اسمم را لیست انتظار ثبت کنم یا نه؟
M: No, not for required courses. Anyone who needs to take a class to fulfill their course requirements is permitted to enter.
نه، برای دروس اجباری لازم نیست. هر کسی که برای تمام شدن دوره به گذراندن این دروس احتیاج داشته باشد، میتواند در کلاس شرکت کند.

ژنرال پرشینگ

General Pershing

General Pershing was a famous American officer. He was in the American army, and fought in Europe in the First World War.

After he died, some people in his home town wanted to remember him, so they' put up a big statue of him on a horse.

There was a school near the statue, and some of the boys passed it every day on their way to school and again on their way home.

After a few months some of them began to say, 'Good morning, Pershing', whenever they passed the statue, and soon all the boys at the school were doing this.

One Saturday one of the smallest of these boys was walking to the shops with his mother when he passed the statue. He said, 'Good morning, Pershing' to it, but then he stopped and said to his mother, 'I like Pershing very much, Ma, but who's that funny man on his back?'
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